Hand Knit Headbands

Made from hand dyed 100% super wash merino wool & 100% suri alpaca

Featured collection

Hand Knit Hand Dyed Natural Fibers

Holiday Collection


Holiday Collection

Our Latest Hand Knit Collection

  • Meet the Maker

    Hi! I'm Claire the maker behind CJ Knits! I'm a 30 something year old School Psychologist! I live on a 5 acre farm in Northwest Arkansas with my husband and all our fur kids (dog, cats, goats, and pigs). I love to knit and take care of my Nigerian Dwarf Goats and KuneKune pigs!

    I started CJ Knits as a way to channel my creative energy and wind down from my day job in the winter when it's too cold to spend time outside!

    The name CJ comes from our farm name C & J Funny Farm, named after me and my husband Jeremy, and my grandfather's furniture store from when I was a little girl.

    You can follow me on


    C & J Funny Farm

    Instagram: lifeonthefunnyfarm14